I Want to Make a Recurring Gift:

Title     First  Maiden         Last

Street/ Mailing Address

City                                                     State      Zip

Year of InitiationEmail


Total Amount of GiftTotal # of Gifts
You will be sent a reminder for your additional gifts.  Thank you.

You may make your initial payment via check or Paypal.

Crown $5000 and Up
Themis$2000 - $4999
Shield  $1000 - $1999
Link      $  500 - $  999
White Violet       $  250 - $  499
Carpenters Square        Up to $250

Please complete the following two steps to make your donation:
1) Submit Info to Secretary

2) Send Contribution via PayPal "Donate" button or Mail Check:

DK of ZTA House Corporation
c/o Treasurer
3137 Lockefield
Baton Rouge, LA  70816

Any questions may be directed to treasurer@geauxzetahouse.com

The DK of ZTA House Corporation is a 501c(2) institution, and, as such, contributions to the Corporation are not deductible for income tax purposes.  There is pending legislation in the U.S. Congress to allow tax-deductible contributions for Greek housing.

The Zeta House
                        Hear It Calling
Make my donation Anonymous.  Please only publish my gift by my initiation year.