I Want to Make a Memorial/ Honorarium Gift:

Title     First  Maiden         Last

Street/ Mailing Address

City                                                     State      Zip

Year of InitiationEmail


In Memory Of

Year of Initiation

In Honor Of

Year of Initiation

We will be happy to send an acknowledgement card.  Please provide info below:


Street/ Mailing Address 

City                                                     State      Zip

Any additional information regarding the Memorial/ Honorarium

Crown $5000 and Up
Themis$2000 - $4999
Shield  $1000 - $1999
Link      $  500 - $  999
White Violet       $  250 - $  499
Carpenters Square        Up to $250

Please complete the following two steps to make your donation:
1) Submit Info to Secretary

2) Send Contribution via PayPal "Donate" button or Mail Check:

DK of ZTA House Corporation
c/o Treasurer
3137 Lockefield
Baton Rouge, LA  70816

Any questions may be directed to treasurer@geauxzetahouse.com

The DK of ZTA House Corporation is a 501c(2) institution, and, as such, contributions to the Corporation are not deductible for income tax purposes.  There is pending legislation in the U.S. Congress to allow tax-deductible contributions for Greek housing.

The Zeta House
                        Hear It Calling
Make my donation Anonymous.  Please only publish my gift by my initiation year.